We compete inside and outside the classroom.
MS Robotics
ES Robotics
Girls on the Run
MS Boys Soccer
MS Girls Soccer
Harlem Lacrosse
Elem Basketball
MS Boys Basketball
MS Girls Basketball
Harlem Lacrosse
Harlem Lacrosse
EM Lacrosse
In 2009, the year before Commodore was named a turnaround school, our student athletes only could compete on one of two basketball teams. Just five years later, our student athletes are competing on 14 teams, both athletic and academic, all throughout the school year. We are especially proud of our boys' and girls' lacrosse teams--both of which reached the city finals this year and of our National Academic League (NAL) team, which won the city championship in early 2015. Our boys' lacrosse championship this past May was what we hope will be the first of many athletic championships our teams will win over the next few years. We are proud to offer a number of diverse opportunities for all our students, male and female, in both our elementary and middle school.
More information about Commodore’s sports programs and clubs, contact grouzard@thecjrschool.org.